Wednesday, May 29, 2019
May Newsletter
What's coming up...
THRIVE in the 05 Public Meeting
Join residents, businesses, and community stakeholders in the Oracle Road area for our next quarterly meeting:
- Get updates on crime & safety, affordable housing, transportation, education & economic development
- Share feedback for what you want to see in your neighborhoods
- Vote on a project vision statement
- Learn about upcoming meetings and events
Refreshments sponsored by Brother John’s BBQ. Children’s activities and Spanish translation available.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Pima Community College,
Downtown Campus,
Amethyst Room
1255 N Stone Ave
What we are up to...
Community Conversations
The months of May and June are full of opportunities to connect and offer feedback around some key topics in the THRIVE area. We are shifting our meetings to focus on specific issue areas because we know you all have interest in many issues, not just one! For example, if you are interested in affordable housing development, business issues, education, food security, or crime & safety, there will be a meeting for you! We are also planning neighborhood-specific conversations, so please indicate your interest at the link below.
Crime & Safety Implementation Strategies
Here are the strategies the Community-Based Crime Reduction team is considering to reduce crime and improve safety in the Implementation Plan.
- You Can, Too!
- YES! Youth Empowerment Solutions
- Community Resiliency Model
- Drug Market Intervention
- Code Enforcement
- Domestic Violence Intervention
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- TPD Loves Businesses
Contact Nadia with questions or feedback.
What we've been up to...
Spring Festival & Resource Fair
On May 11, THRIVE in the 05 hosted its first annual Spring Festival & Resource Fair at Richey Resource Center in the Old Pascua Neighborhood. It was a huge, successful event. Over 200 community members came to enjoy food, music and community and 15 nonprofits and local government programs provided resources. Pascua artists Brandon Valera and Mario Valencia helped design and paint our Butterfly Effect Mural which we unveiled at the event. The international program Butterfly Effect donated $500 to the San Ignacio Yaqui Council for everyone who took a selfie with the mural and posted it online. Thank you to everyone who attended!
THRIVE in the 05 in the News
Arizona Daily Star reporter Patty Machelor wrote a wonderful piece to introduce readers to the whole THRIVE in the 05 project. It was featured on the front page of the Sunday paper! Stay tuned for more in her ongoing series.
Read the article

KOLD covered our Spring Festival & Resource Fair.
View the coverage
Wait. What is THRIVE in the 05?
Building on over a decade of work on projects like the Oracle Area Revitalization Plan (OARP), The Oracle Project (TOP), and the Oracle Area Task Force, two current initiatives are teaming up to build community and invest resources in this area. Together, these projects are called THRIVE in the 05!
- Community-Based Crime Reduction is a comprehensive public safety initiative which seeks to work with the community to identify and address drivers of crime to help build sustainable communities of opportunity. Grant funded from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) through the Tucson based ASU School of Social Work.
- Choice Neighborhoods leverages significant public and private dollars to support locally driven strategies that address struggling neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. Grant funded from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the City of Tucson's Housing and Community Development Department (HCD).
This monthly newsletter will provide you with important updates on the projects, invitations to meetings, and opportunities to provide feedback and drive the change you want to see in your neighborhoods.
Community-Based Crime Reduction

Nadia Roubicek
Project Manager, ASU
School of Social Work
520.884.5507 ext. 20609

Choice Neighborhoods

Alison Miller
Lead Planner, City of Tucson
Housing & Community Development
