Community-Based Crime Reduction

Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR), also known as a part of THRIVE in the 05, is a place-based, data-driven, community-oriented crime and safety project aimed to identify and address root drivers of crime in the Oracle Community. This project involves working with the community to develop and implement capacity-building strategies rooted in resilience, leadership, and the value of each individual. This initiative is a place that offers all residents the opportunity to achieve their full potential; where safety, high quality education, housing, health and economic development are opportunities for all.


The research focuses on “hot spots,” which are typically places in communities that have struggled with crime for years. Researchers are engaged in helping community partners examine problems, assess evidence-based solutions, and monitor progress.

Community Oriented

CBCR works with members of the Miracle Mile/Oracle area community to improve the safety, health, and well-being of their neighborhoods. Community members are engaged in decision-making leadership roles in all aspects of research, planning, and dissemination.

Spurs Revitalization

CBCR tackles problem properties, unsafe streets and parks, unemployment, transit barriers, and service gaps related to crime.

Builds Partnerships

CBCR works in collaboration with public, non-profit, and community leaders to bring more resources and different approaches to address longstanding crime challenges for lasting change. Partnerships include: Tucson Police Department, Youth Violence Prevention Coalition, Pima County Health Department, non-profit organizations, subject matter experts from other local colleges and universities, businesses, and community residents.


  1. Reduce crime and improve community safety in the Oracle community as part of a broader, comprehensive effort to advance neighborhood revitalization.

  2. Effectively use data and research to examine the drivers of crime around hot spots, and use evidence to design a continuum of innovative and effective implementation strategies.

  3. Increase community engagement and empower youth and adult residents as leaders in shaping crime prevention and revitalization efforts.

  4. Build capacity of residents and cross-sector partners to address and prevent youth-involved crime, and to promote sustainable collaboration within the Youth Violence Prevention Coalition in order to address juvenile-related crime problems from multiple angles with a multitude of leverages and aligned resources.

THRIVE in the 05 is part of the Innovation Suite of research-driven programs at the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). In urban and rural communities across the country with persistent crime problems, CBCR is reducing crime, enhancing community-police collaboration, and spurring economic resurgence.


Nadia Roubicek
Program Manager, Tucson CBCR

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